It doesn’t matter what religion you believe in or how you think our world was created. It is truly remarkable in all ways. There are millions of species of life on this planet in the sky, on land, in the land, and in the oceans, lakes rivers and streams all over this Planet, even a blade of grass can be considered a life form. All the species of life on this planet were blessed with whatever they needed to survive.
Now, what species of life on this planet is the most dangerous to all forms of life on our planet? You guessed it, HUMANS!
Aside from the fact that wars, including nuclear wars would probably kill hundreds of millions of humans and other life forms on our planet, Humans and possibly other life forms would still exist for the future. The real danger to our planet that would be the fault of humans and eventually kill all life forms on this planet is POLLUTION!!!
We NEED to recycle everything that we can, especially all metals, glass, and plastic!!! The number one recycler in the world is Germany and number two is South Korea, but do we send people to these countries and learn from them??, I don’t believe so. The rest of the trash should be burned completely so that all bacteria, germs, and chemicals are negated, and the chimney should have after burners e and electric screens to thoroughly clean the residue, so we don’t pollute the air.
New Hampshire is blessed with an underground water supply, that is why sixty percent of our people get their drinking water from wells, and yet we fill our landfills with completely unknown trash .
When I was a teenager in Framingham Mass I used to walk home from football practice, and on the way home I walked by Farm Pond where the town got all its drinking water. The land next to the pond was also the town dump. One day walking past this dump, I noticed that it was on fire and the fire department was there trying to put it out. They got their water for this task by putting a suction hose into the pond and poured water on the fires for several days. You can guess what happened, dead fish floated to the surface and our town had to find a different source of water for the town; and rather quickly, and they did at great expense.
Please-please we need to address this problem sooner than later We need to not put unknown and untreated trash into our landfills, and stop the inflow of out of state trash which accounts for sixty percent of all the unknown trash that goes into our landfills.
Jim Fedolfi State Representative Hillsborough District 30.